"Happiness too, is inevitable". ~Albert Camus"

... but I'm such a bitch at times.

Okay, I'm all for cleaning up the planet and the whole protection of the environment thingy, but what I cannot wrap my mind around is how this has taken priority above cleaning up our minds and hearts. Why is there no public government campaign for this? As an atheist, I am truly thrown off by the fact that the Church (of all remaining vestiges of barbarism), is left alone with this awesome responsibility, and they have to knock at our doors at 7am to wake us up to this ... poor souls -- only to be met by the likes of someone like me, who in my foul mood for being awoken from my best Johnny Depp dream, could only have changed my attitude by realizing that good things can happen too, maybe fortune had chosen to smile upon me that moment.

I ran down the stairs in my robe, for my classic sweepsteaks tv moment, yelling, "Did I win?! Did I win?!" I opened the door, fixing my hair a little (altho when the sweepstakes man comes, you don't really give a shit how you look on tv ... you look fucking RICH!!! that's all). Well these bastards failed to produce the 2x3 foot check with my name on it, and the tv cameras, instead, handing me a bible and a big damn smile saying -"Yes ma'am. Yes ma'am. We are here to bring you the Word". Well, here's a word for you "*&#$@%$!!" and I grabbed the bible and threw it out the door past them and slammed my door so hard in those nicely suited up boys' faces. And one of them was even cute -- the one without the acne scars, who didn't look so much like that pedofile from America's Most Wanted.

Now, I do believe that the Earth is quite capable of renewing itself, even at the expense of us mere mortals. If Earth has to expel us for the sake of itself, it will do so and evolve a new species who can exist in what is uninhabitable to mankind.

So, can we shift the focus to the harder issue here? Can we start by cleaning up our hate -- recycling our love, and maybe, just maybe, this magic will infuse the earth with a renewal we cannot hope to engineer in labs.

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