The other plus side is that you can't be held liable for future activities; he can’t ask where you've been, or where you're going when you leave, or why you're such a greedy whore, or where you learned such filth in bed. And when you go to him, you know exactly what you’re getting.
Add to that, a dash of slight jealousy, and you have a recipe made in heaven … or hell-- and you can have him your way, anyway you want – rare, medium, well-done. And if you say the wrong name, hey, it doesn’t even matter.
The most perfect specimen created. The Super-ex. If ever someone could make you say the name of god and his son so many times, it's that son-of-a-bi@tch.
But there's more to an ex than the way he does what he does, he may have been a hero in your eyes at one point, and then your greatest pain in the end; the boy who broke your heart ... your cherry -- and other places inside you. I guess the best afrodesiac is finally knowing that you don't want him anymore.
i can't help myself ...
