your eyes flutter open --- automatic body alarm
it must be 6am. as your vision adjusts, you notice your clock is missing from the bedside table, above you is a ceiling fan spinning slowly and you don't recognize it. you freeze in terror. where are you? ok, you remember laughing in the club, spilling your drink, some girl pushed you and you pushed back, someone grabbed your hand, you both ran out the emergency exit ...laughing breathlessly ... you were kissing in the back alley outside the club, then you were in the car. there was music, his hands were everywhere, his tongue tasted like warm wine. you told him you would see him back inside, he didn't want to let you go but he did. you had to get your coat and say goodbye to your friends.
So you went back inside and someone gave you a drink. you saw your friends were on the dancefloor. you danced. but that's all you remember ... and now you're here... somewhere. you don't know where you are. your eyes move inside our head, scanning your surroundings for a clue. and though you begged to recognize something familiar, you had not hoped it would be your blue sequin dress, draped across the back of an unfamiliar chair. and now you realize you're naked. someone is whistling in the shower. you spring from the bed, your toe is caught in the sheet and you go crashing to the floor. the whistling stops, you hold your breath and an uncomfortable posture. everything is spinning and the sun is too bright, the floor is too cold. the whistling resumes. stealthily, you dislodge your toes from the grip of the sheet and spy your silver 6 inch stilettos under the bed. you cringe in horror, but there is no time for lamenting, no time to try to figure out what or whom you had done. you must move quickly to end this unfolding nightmare.

your head is pounding. there is an empty bottle of vodka on the side table. you don't have time to look for pictures. you stumble into your dress and carry your shoes in your hand. You hear the squeak of a pipe. The shower is turned off. You're already half way down the stairs. the apartment is spotless. Nice furnishings. but you can;t decide if the place belongs to a man or a woman. the decor is androgynous. you don't wanna know. within seconds you're out the door, running through the parking lot. your bare feet ache on the pavement and there's still a chill in the early morning air. you hit the sidewalk, thumb the first cab you see. and then you realize you have no purse, no phone, nothing. you hop into the cab anyway.
you tell the cabbie you have no money on you. you explain the circumstances as his eyes are gleaming all up your thighs. He tells you it's ok, you can work things out, he knows you working girls have bad nights too -- no passengers ... lol... he laughs at his own joke. you get out and slam the door and prepare for the long walk home in your sequins and stilettos. a car pulls up behind you. It's him. the man you're in-love with. he asks if you forgot he had his aunt's apartment for the weekend because she's out of town. you're flooded with relief. you laugh and tell him you were only trying to get a Sunday papers.