So my family is coming for the Christmas holiday. This means it is not a holiday but an occasion to put in more hours of labor for no pay. But I'm happy they're coming. It means extra towels and more food to be bought; But I'm happy they're coming. Parents do not ask when they can come to your house; they call and TELL you they're spending the holiday with you. But I'm happy they're coming. This means new sheets, pillows and an adjustment to my lifestyle- But I'm happy they're coming. This means I have to take out the good plates and hide the porno - But I'm happy they're coming. This means endless cooking and washing dishes and buying gifts i had not planned to buy including gifts for those they return to back home; But I'm happy they're coming. Did I mention they changed their flight to get in at 10am Saturday morning instead of afternoon and my final exam is Friday night and I don't get out of that till 10pm. But I'm happy they're coming?
So I didn't know how to ask them when they're leaving but i eventually did; the 4th of January. This means technically I'll be treated like a child for 2 weeks. Jesus Christ!