Ok - I lost my phone again. Anyone who is, or has been trying to reach me, please email my @msn account if it's urgent. I'm really tired these days. I'm sure my phone is just in one of my coat pockets but I refuse to look for it ... please don't take it personally that I haven't answered your calls.
This may seem selfish to you but the truth is, I HATE PHONES and the only reason I have a phone is for MY OWN convenience, so that I can use it when I need to. I'm sorry but I realize how much productive time and money I've wasted on the phone with (you don't know who) and the CRAZIEST thing is this, when that person and I are together at my house, we don't talk at all ... What gives. ... what gives!
anyway, my post-christmas gift to myself is to be as lazy and selfish as I can possibly be for the entire month of January until school resumes on January 26. So, please pardon my pursuit of pleasure. If it's any consolation, I'm still working 5 days a week so you don't have to be too envious.