No - right now Obama cannot afford to address the history of the problem between Palestinian Hamas and Israel. When you're a President, you are constantly put on the spot. It's all about diplomacy, it's all about not showing your hand, especially when you plan to run for a second term and the media wants to hold you accountable for every word that escapes your mouth. And most importantly, a strong nation needs strong allies. America can't afford to side with a country that is militarily weak. Palestine is weak. They can't back America in a war. And they're not smart; they provoked a stronger nation. Israel responded the way one would respond to a mosquito; you don't catch it in a cup and put it outside; you fucking slap it dead. I'm not taking any side, I'm not pro Israel or Hamas. But I know we all talk a lot of shit about America - we thought it was wrong to invade Iraq but now it's okay to intervene into Israel affairs? We want to be rich and happy but we don't want America to do what it has to do to maintain the lifestyle we're so accustomed to. It's just reality. I'm not sad about it - I'm human. As long as it doesn't affect me, I limit my care. But since the argument came up about 7 times today... this is what I think. You want your iPods and your shiny new Benz and the parties and the cable tv, are you willing to part with them to make the whole world happy? If you have a mansion and all the rooms are freezing cold except one, if you open the door to share the heat, that room will go cold too, then what; every body suffers.