Yes - once again, good old tax-payer's money is going to the Supreme Court to defend the titigate scandal of 2004. Intriguing. The country is ass broke, so in order to stimulate the economy of the lawyers and judges, they gonna take rich ass Janet Jackson to court with our money because her tit fucked up on prime time tv. The horror. What they are aiming to prove is that the tit didn't inadvertently escape but was deliberately released in a contrived scheme to make white people go blind.
I can't believe that one black tit could spark so much controversy. The media is so obnoxious and hypocritical. Janet's tit is like a bomb that went off in a crowded marketplace. Yet a few years ago I remember eating my damn dinner at 8pm when a Sex in the City's episode aired, where Samantha was eating out a woman and they showed when she lifted her head from between the woman's legs and the cum shot landed on her mouth. I almost puked in my curry chicken. So what's the big deal that Janet's tit got some "air time"(mind you, the nipple was covered). Oh yes, it was wholesome white American family event and viewership was global.
So hell damn what? Now we have to see just white old ass country western and rock bands from the caveman days. But being that the sport is dominated by Black athletes and it would come off as racially biased to totally deny Black artists from performing, the only black performers who will ever be able to perform at the Superbowl will be the ones who don't rap hip hop - like the crispy cream Prince, and people not in the mainstream yet, and people who don't dance. Oh, and Jennifer Hudson got to sing the Star Spangled Banner. Not like I want to see hip hop but I'm just saying the obvious, because it needs to be said.