I don't know why I even bother to get excited that school is closed because I'm not on vacation - I gotta work. I guess there are a few things that are good about it tho:
1) I get home when there's still sunlight
2) Finals are over - no more sweating in anxiety and I got all A's
3) I can do what I want to do, watch tv, read things that excite me
The cons are that all the stuff I neglected while studying for finals are attacking me all at once. It's a bloody massacre - laundry, bills I forgot to pay, email I didn't respond to, phone calls I haven't returned, forms I haven't completed for next school year, occasions I forgot to acknowledge, etc. I didn't forget mother's day this year - I did lift my head to send flowers to my mom (score 1 for the black sheep/ favorite child). But the other stuff ... man, I guess I can't escape it. So this is what my Summer of leisure boils down to -- catching up with my past obligations. It could be worse. I'll be going home too for a few weeks in August - sweet, sweet Jamaican sunshine. So that's something to look forward to.
You know, people always say this to me: "Why not visit Jamaica in the Winter time -- it's more special when you're taking a sunny vacation while it's cold in New York. Why leave heat to go to heat?"
Folks, there is no logic to that at all. It doesn't matter what season it is here. Heat in New York and Heat in Jamaica are two different things. I can't explain it. If I drink a Corona in Jamaica it even tastes different. And I will go to Jamaica when Hell freezes over too - that's Winter, for those of you who didn't know that Hell actually does freeze over annualy, from October to May and it's located North East on the American map.
Happy summer all! I'll be working on my tan!